My passion lies in life-long adventure; to experience the essence of societal evolution as an observer and participant.

A fundamental curiosity to see things in a new way is central to whatever I aim to accomplish, whether that be in film, photography, or policy analysis. My creative process focuses on removing conceptual shackles that a subject inherits from its given context. The process of re-contextualization opens up new frontiers, allowing minds to freely wander and imagination to flourish organically and intuitively. This is what I find the most important when seeking creative solutions to complex problems in any given context.


What all this exactly implies for visual media is something special to me. A camera takes a moment of time and processes its imprint on the universe through a controlled chemical reaction. But of course it’s much more than that. When I capture an image, I seek to translate a fleeting confluence of time-and-space into a visual story contained within a frame; essentially a packaged universe that exists so that others may gaze into it and experience a moment through their own personal lens.

The device itself is a glorified microscope that captures macroscopic interactions and makes them exist for beyond the instant. It is no wonder that the image, moving or still, has become one of the most powerful forms of communication. The frame freezes and snatches the subject out of the passage of time, but not from the collective human effort it took to create such a thing.

What really draws me into music photography though, is whatever you may call that intrinsic factor of capturing an image. That there is always a delicious layer of luck and chance inherent in the process of capturing the playing out of life happening before you. That you have to somehow have be at the right place at the right time, and being at a live music event is always the right place and the right time.

The intentional use of the frame also sets the bounds of the communicated experience. The frame creates the space where the tension between the roiling energy bubbling within the depicted subject matter and the implicit external cosmic forces working upon what the observer sees can play out. This allows one to play with the ambiguity of what came before and what comes after. Neat stuff if you think about.


Never forget that the rules are made up, and the points don’t matter. You are free!
— June, 2024

david freid
aka gravy jones

german/american policy analyst, filmmaker, photographer,
newsletter database manager, interdimensional robot and dj

born and raised in austin, texas
currently residing in berlin, germany

university of texas at austin grad with degrees in

bachelor of film (‘15) + german (‘15) + masters of public affairs (‘23)

resume - lebenslauf

for music video & photography inquiries

